Raids on Wanted Individuals' residences in Hortaala, Labwe and Hay Al Sharawneh - Baalbek, and Arrest of Two Citizens

Sunday, 09 June 2024

The Lebanese Army Command - Directorate of Orientation issued the following statement:

A military unit, supported by a patrol from the Intelligence Directorate, raided the residences of wanted individuals in Hortaala, Labwe, and Hay Al Sharawneh-Baalbek, and arrested the citizen (AA.M.) for shooting. They also seized a quantity of drugs, ammunition, and military equipment.

Another unit raided the residence of the citizen (KH.R.) in Labwe - Baalbek and arrested him for provoking clashes and threatening citizens with the force of arms.

The seized items were handed over and an investigation was initiated with the arrestee under the supervision of the competent judicial authority.