Residences of wanted individuals raided in Jdita and Britel – and arrest of a citizen and two Syrians

Wednesday, 12 June 2024

The Army Command – Directorate of Orientation issued the following statement:

On 11/06/2024, an army unit, supported by a patrol from the Intelligence Directorate, raided the residences of individuals wanted for shooting in the town of Jdita - Bekaa, and arrested the Syrians (H.R.) and (KH.J.) and seized military weapons and a quantity of ammunition and military equipment.

Another unit also raided the residences of individuals wanted for robbing citizens by force of arms in the town of Britel - Baalbeck, and arrested the citizen (H.T.) and seized military weapons, a quantity of drugs, ammunition, military equipment, and counterfeit currency.

The seized items were handed over and investigations was initiated with the detainees under the supervision of the competent judicial authority.